Many companies are actively interested in practical applications of blockchain technologies and scientific results in this area. At the meeting on February 27, held at the Gazprom Neft Innovation House (Saint Petersburg), Polina Sazonova was an invited speaker from Novosibirsk. She presented the report "distributed registry Technologies as the basis of the Russian economy". The meeting discussed the results in the field of blockchain technologies and their implementation with the participation of representatives of the Russian Post, Sberbank, Sibintek, Norilsk Nickel, Innopolis University and other organizations. At the round table organized after the presentations, participants discussed the prospects for the development of blockchain technology and existing barriers to its application.
From February 3 to March 1, 2020, Alexander Kutsenko and Alexey Oblaukhov trained at the Selmer Center in Secure Communication research center Of the University of Bergen (Norway). During this time, joint research was carried out, and three times spoke at the laboratory's seminar:
13.02.2020-A. Kutsenko, "Self-dual bent functions: characterization and metric properties". Known properties of self-dual bent functions are considered. The obtained metric properties are described: the minimum Hamming distance between self-dual bent functions, and the spectrum of Hamming distances between functions from the Mayoran-Macfarland class. The metric regularity is proved and the metric complement of the set of self-dual bent functions is found.
20.02.2020-A. Kutsenko, "The group of automorphisms of the set of self-dual bent functions". The results obtained for isometric mappings of a set of self-dual benp functions are presented. It is proved that the automorphism groups of sets of self-dual and anti-self-dual bent functions coincide. The group of automorphisms of the set of self-dual bent functions is fully described.
27.02.2020 - A. Oblaukhov, "Metric regularity and metric complements in the Boolean cube". We present the results obtained that affect the properties of metric additions of subsets of a Boolean cube. A General view of the metric complement of a linear subspace of a Boolean cube is found. A lower estimate for the power of the maximum metrically regular set is obtained. The metric regularity of the reed-Maller codes RM(k, m) is proved for the case k>=m−3.
More about the course is here.
The course is here.
The course invites you to learn more about cryptography; you'll learn some important math which stands behind the ciphers, and defines how resistant the particular cipher will be to different types of attacks.
The key topics covered in the course: * how cryptography developed in Russia and in the Soviet Union, including the facts which used to be top secret until very recent times; * Boolean functions and S-boxes, and how the resistance of a cipher depends on a cryptographic properties of a Boolean function; * methods of cryptanalysis * some special and most intriguing types of cryptographic Boolean functions: bent functions and APN-functions (Almost Perfect Nonlinear Functions) * AI and ML for cryptography. Welcome to the course, and enjoy your learning!.